Articles by The Linux Foundation

Welcome To The New!

Today we are launching the new, redesigned It’s been a long journey since we first surveyed our loyal readers about possible new features. You enthusiastically and generously responded with all of the ways you love – and don’t...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Cloning Linux from a Bundle

If you find yourself on an unreliable Internet connection and need to perform a fresh clone of Linux.git, you may find it tricky to do so if your connection resets before you are able to complete the clone. There is currently no way to...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

The Year of the Open Blockchain

Just before the holidays, we announced a new open source effort to advance blockchain technology for a distributed ledger that could be used across industries. Blockchain is about harnessing one of the core technologies behind Bitcoin, but...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Linux Foundation Update

Since last Saturday, I have been engaged in meetings on behalf of The Linux Foundation in China, with limited access to email and/or Internet. As a result, I have only recently become aware of a situation playing out over the last 24-48...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |