Articles by The Linux Foundation

Questions? Ask Fedora.

The Fedora folks want you to be successful in using Fedora. As part of the Fedora 16 release, the project is taking the wraps off of a new StackExchange-style site for asking questions about (what else?) Fedora. Rahul Sundaram announced...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Some Analysts Still Don't Get It

In the early days of Linux, analysts were spouting all kinds of nonsense about Linux. It was pretty clear that folks from firms like Forrester and Gartner weren’t clued in entirely about what Linux is, how open source works, nor did they...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

A Look at Vim Text Objects

Vim fans, or folks who might be thinking about trying Vim, should take a look at Jared Carroll’s Vim Text Objects: The Definitive Guide. Carroll’s guide explains how to edit with “text objects” rather than thinking of Vim as a...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

The Return of

What a long, strange month it’s been. While Luke Skywalker spent most of the “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” movie trying to bring Darth Vader back from the Dark Side, the Return of hasn’t been quite so dramatic. But it has not...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

The Cracking of

As has recently been announced on the main page, the main server (known as “hera”) was recently compromised by an unknown intruder. This person was able to gain “root” access, meaning they had the full run of the...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Reflections from LinuxCon

I just returned from a great trip to Vancouver for LinuxCon North America 2011. Here’s a quick (and visual) report on the proceedings, with a bias toward the FOSS compliance presentations. Jim Zemlin kicked off the proceedings with an...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

The Next 20 Years? Who Knows?

Jim Whitehurst, CEO of Red Hat, took the stage in Vancouver, BC to talk about the challenges that Linux will face in the next 20 years. Whitehurst’s topic meshed nicely with the lead-in keynote from Jim Zemlin. While Zemlin examined the...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |