Articles by The Linux Foundation

Android kernel wakelock solution

In two separate email threads this week, I have been asked about the status of the Android wakelock issue that has been described in the past. It turns out that people don’t realize that the Linux kernel now supports this type of locking,...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Glamorous Pictures?

The event last weekend was a “no cameras” event, and while we’ll have pictures, I don’t have them yet. And I think I’ll keep them private when we get them – no need to embarrass the beautiful people any more than we already did. So to make...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

We Need Your Help on IT Security

Over the last few months, our writers have been able to take a deeper look at IT security and share their reports with the community thanks to Centrify. It is the combination of generous sponsorships from companies like Centrify...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Starting an Open Source Project

Starting an open source software project might seem like a daunting undertaking, but luckily there are plenty of examples of how to do it successfully. Take any number of projects with vibrant communities and it’s easy to see that if you...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Is Nokia Doomed?

There’s been a lotofdiscussionregarding whether or not Nokia is Doomed or not. The people who say Nokia are doomed basically point out that Nokia doesn’t have any attractive products at the high end, and at the low end the margins are...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Working on Technology at Startups

Richard Tibbets has called me out for conflating Web 2.0 startups with all startups in my recent blog posting, “Google has a problem retaining great engineers? Bullcrap.”. His complaint was that I was over generalizing from Web 2.0...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Thank You For ...

The kids all got their black belts in TKD a couple of weeks ago, and what do I find in the mailbox today if it isn’t their “thank you” notes that they apparently wrote as part of that whole experience. (Side note: they put them in the mail...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |