Articles by The Linux Foundation

The People Who Support Linux

The Linux Foundation’s individual supporters help to support the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and other important activities that advance Linux, while getting a variety of other fun and valuable benefits.It is this collective...  Read More
The Linux Foundation | Planning Meeting Details

We’re preparing for this Friday’s Planning Meeting at the Linux Foundation’s Collaboration Summit. The session begins at 9 a.m. PT and will take place in room Osaka. We’re expecting this year’s Gurus to join us and we...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Silly Grin

This is actually from last year (LCA in Tasmania), but Oscar, who took the picture, was diving around the world for many months and only made the pictures he took available to me the other day. I thought I had a good life, but Oscar and...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Built to Last

It has now been almost exactly five years since kernel development community tentatively started using the git source code management system with the 2.6.12-rc2 commit. That was an uncertain time; nobody really knew how long it would take...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Trust Me, I Know What I'm Doing...

I’m probably moving my office to be above the garage. In preparation for that, I did the whole “get CAT6 networking to the new location” thing, which has involved re-acquainting myself with our crawlspace. Spending my days crawling around,...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Demons? Really?

So I was in Costco waiting for a car tire rotation and check yesterday. Wasting time, I blew three bucks on a slice of pizza and a sundae, and looked around for a place to sit down and pig out. The place was packed, and it was the middle...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |