Articles by The Linux Foundation

Putting Trust in the Cloud

Article Source Community-cation November 25, 2009, 7:54 am If you have any gold in your portfolio, then you are indeed a fortunate soul. With gold at an all-time high, upwards of US$1,100 per Troy ounce, lots of people with this precious...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

The Importance of an Open Internet

Article Source Community-cation November 5, 2009, 9:45 am The concept of net neutrality is an issue that’s been bandied about for a few years now in the US–among several other political hot potatoes you have probably heard about. Being...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

The Promise of Mobile Computing

There’s been a lot of noise made about the benefits of mobile computing. It will keep us connected, it will be make life more convenient, and we can watch movies of dancing Internet kittehs where ever we might be. Well, maybe not that last...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Bringing Linux to Small Business

Article Source Community-cation October 12, 2009, 10:35 am We are all impressed and excited by the success of commercial Linux vendors. Red Hat, Novell, Canonical, Mandriva, Oracle, and a host of other Linux companies are making great...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Forums: Renovated and Updated

One thing about a web site is that it’s always being renovated. Users make suggestions, developers find ways to improve functionality; it’s a process. As part of that process, the forums have gotten a nice makeover this week....  Read More
The Linux Foundation |

Traveling in Real Time

Article Source Linux Weather Forecast Blog September 17, 2009, 10:37 am So I am hitting the road next week. It should be no surprise that LinuxCon and the Linux Plumbers Conference are coming up. I have a talk (the well-travelled Kernel...  Read More
The Linux Foundation |