This week the open cloud news headlines feature the OpenNebula 3.6 release, a new cloud controller plug-in for OpenStack and an interview with Rackspace’s Lew Moorman on APIs and the open cloud, among other things.
The open source project, a VMware alternative, released its latest update Tuesday.
Stealthy Big Switch Plugs Into OpenStack Clouds
The Register
Big Switch Networks’ open source Floodlight controller now has an OpenStack plugin to the Quantum network-as-a-service layer.
The Big Data and Cloud Computing Trends Depend on Open Source
Many successful web companies have been built around open source tools. Expect cloud computing to continue that trend.
Lew Moorman: Open Cloud Key to Modern Networking
In this Q&A, the president of Rackspace expands on his argument that simply cloning proprietary APIs doesn’t solve the compatibility problem for developers that want to maintain ownership of their cloud applications.
Too Many Cooks in the Open Cloud Kitchen?
IT Business Edge
Too many open source cloud projects could undermine the goal of creating an open source cloud that provides interoperability with a number of different platforms.
CumuLogic Aims to Redefine Java PaaS
Talkin’ Cloud
The enterprise cloud application platform works with a variety of infrastructures and platforms on the market, including open source projects OpenStack, CloudStack and Eucalyptus.