Press Releases | Linux Foundation

Valkey Welcomes New Partners Amid Growing Momentum

Written by The Linux Foundation | Jun 18, 2024 1:00:00 PM


Ongoing momentum includes addition of six new partners, deepening their commitment to open source and the future of Valkey.

SAN FRANCISCO – JUNE 18, 2024 – Today the Linux Foundation announced new partners have joined Valkey, the open source in-memory, NoSQL data store. The announcement comes after the inaugural Valkey Contributor Summit that took place June 6-8 in Seattle. The continued adoption by new partners demonstrates the industry's desire for an open, community-driven project and strengthens the long-term health and viability of the project so that everyone can benefit from it.

Building from the initial list of industry partners, six new companies; Ampere, AlmaLinux OS Foundation, Broadcom, DigitalOcean, Memurai, and Instaclustr by NetApp have joined the project. These companies join the ranks of Aiven, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Canonical, Chainguard, Ericsson, Heroku, Huawei, Google Cloud, Oracle, Percona, Snap Inc and Verizon. In addition, communities are further driving the project’s momentum by packaging Valkey in major Linux distributions including AlmaLinux, Fedora and Alpine, as well as distros that support Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL). Distributions are making Valkey widely available while others, like Fedora 41 and Alpine are actively taking steps to migrate users to Valkey.

In June, Valkey hosted its inaugural Contributor Summit that brought together 40 maintainers and contributors from 13 organizations. The Contributor Summit focused on the current state of the project, as well as the future roadmap.

Looking ahead, Valkey is preparing for its upcoming release later this summer. The release will feature improvements such as I/O performance, cluster stability and reliability improvements, more cluster stats/metrics, dual channel replication, and performance-optimized default values. To stay up to date on the upcoming release and learn how to get involved, please visit


Supporting Quotes

"We are excited to collaborate with Valkey to further expand the ecosystem and enable the development of high-performance, low-power applications for cloud, AI and edge computing. The design of Ampere Cloud Native CPUs, with up to 192 high performance, energy-efficient cores, makes workloads like Valkey stores the perfect match for our products. This collaboration underscores Ampere’s commitment to fostering open source communities and accelerating innovation in the realm of energy-efficient computing." — Pete Baker, VP of Customer and Developer Engineering, Ampere

“AlmaLinux OS is excited to collaborate with the incredible folks working on Valkey. This critical open source project is proving its commitment to the open source ecosystem, and is enabling users to leverage a high-performance, scalable alternative to the closed source versions. This partnership underscores our dedication to supporting the open source community as it builds cutting-edge technologies, and fostering an environment of innovation." benny Vasquez, Chair at AlmaLinux OS Foundation

“At Broadcom, through our VMware Tanzu offering, we are laser focused on helping our customers accelerate application development and delivery with solutions that remove friction for developers and provide the tools necessary to build and deploy highly performant software that drives business value. Leveraging Valkey for VMware Tanzu Platform helps us deliver on that promise – developers now have the ability to rapidly deploy instances of Valkey for their data caching needs within Tanzu Platform.”  Purnima Padmanabhan, General Manager, Tanzu Division, Broadcom

"At DigitalOcean, we're committed to providing developers with the simplest cloud computing solutions so they can focus on building innovative applications that drive business growth. Joining Valkey allows us to contribute to an open source, highly performant and scalable in-memory data store that aligns with our mission of empowering startups and growing businesses with the tools they need to succeed in today's digital landscape,” Todd Redfoot, Chief Technology Officer at DigitalOcean

"We're thrilled to join forces with the Valkey project with our launch of a Valkey-compatible edition of Memurai with enterprise-grade support on Windows & Linux. We are also eager to contribute fixes, patches, and enhancements (such as the Memurai SQL Search module) back to the Valkey open source community, supporting its growth and ensuring robust solutions for everyone. Over the past five years, Memurai has been porting Redis to Windows and offering support to ensure developers and organizations can benefit from a Windows-native version of Redis. Now, we look forward to combining our strengths with Valkey's thriving ecosystem, empowering organizations and developers alike to unlock new levels of data-driven innovation."  Mike DeCerbo, CEO at Memurai and Janea Systems

“NetApp proudly supports the Valkey project's open source, in-memory data store. This collaboration furthers our mission to help customers unlock the business value of true open source and we look forward to contributing to the project's growth and engaging with its community.”  Chris Carter, Principal Product Manager at Instaclustr by NetApp.



Media Contact

Noah Lehman

The Linux Foundation