We’re investigating the impact of open source collaboration to solve the world’s most pressing challenges.

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About LF Research

LF Research publishes actionable and decision-useful insights into open source software, hardware, standards, and data based on empirical research methodologies. Through leveraging community networks, project databases, surveys, and qualitative findings, and through its commitment to best practices in primary research, Linux Foundation Research is the definitive home for data-driven insights into open source for the benefit of governments, enterprises, and society at large.

Census III of Free and Open Source Software

In this report, LF Research partnered with OpenSSF and the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard to study the most common packages used at the application library level.


Census III 2024_Cover Thumbnail

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A New Direction for the Mobile Industry

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Currently, our mobile phone industry is dominated by siloed companies that cause vendor lock-in, inflexible terms, higher costs, and ultimately stunted growth. This negatively impacts consumers, app developers, manufacturers, and regulators. This research report, sponsored by Futurewei and in partnership with numerous open source projects, features interviews from subject matter experts to understand the current state of the mobile industry, the challenges this industry faces, and how these challenges could be addressed by open sourcing the mobile technology stack. Critical to this shift are open standards, which provide cross-industry consensus for the development of the stack.  


Gordon Graham
with a foreword by Raul Quino, Futurewei Technologies

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DOI: 10.70828/OKUQ9347

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