LF Research and Community Surveys

2024 Open Source Software Funding Survey: How does your organization fund open source projects?

Written by The Linux Foundation | Jun 28, 2024 6:54:10 PM

The Linux Foundation is partnering with GitHub and researchers from Harvard University to understand the motivations and mechanisms behind open source funding. Our objective is to better understand how organizations fund, contribute to, or support open source software projects. We are looking for OSPOs, Heads of Engineering and Product, C-Level Executives, and other individuals with a solid understanding of their organization's open source engagement to take our survey. 

With your help, this research will enable more funding and support to take place and create a more sustainable open source ecosystem. This survey should take about 20 minutes of your time. 

How will my privacy be protected?

The survey will never ask for or record your name or email address. Survey data will be analyzed by exclusively researchers from the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH). Results of this analysis will only ever be disseminated as statistical aggregates and at no point will any effort be made to link survey respondents to personal identities or their affiliated organization. 

Who can I talk to?

Please feel free to contact the research team at lish@harvard.edu.