LF Research and Community Surveys

The 2024 State of Open Source in Financial Services Survey: Share your insights and receive a discount for the Open Source in Finance Forum!

Written by The Linux Foundation | Jun 6, 2024 8:38:17 PM

Do you work in the financial services sector? We invite you to participate in the 2024 State of Open Source in Financial Services survey!


Led by the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) and Linux Foundation Research, and in collaboration with GitHub, Red Hat, Scott Logic, and Sonatype, this study aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of using and contributing to open source within the financial services sector. 

Last year’s report found that 94% of financial services organizations allow some open source consumption, increasing from 78% the previous year. How will this number trend this year? Beyond consumption, this survey also investigates contribution and participation trends, which specific areas of financial services are most likely to be impacted by open source technology, and barriers to open source adoption. The survey targets professionals from financial services organizations and fintechs to provide detailed insights to advance the use of open source in this sector. 

After completing the survey, respondents will receive a 20% discount on registration for the Open Source in Finance Forum, and a 30% discount on any Linux Foundation e-learning training course or certification exam. Thank you for your participation!