Webinar On Demand

Next Generation Blockchain Consortium

Recorded January 18, 2023

The next generation of blockchain consortiums will combine blockchain technology with other emerging technologies such as confidential computing. According to the white paper by Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC) in Oct 2021, Confidential computing can be used to secure data being written or processed on a blockchain network to add an additional element of privacy to the system.

Register now to hear about two exciting open source initiatives under the Linux Foundation, Hyperledger Foundation and the CCC, – the journey from white paper to real use cases by the next generation blockchain consortium, with member Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN).


Daniela Barbosa, General Manager, Blockchain and Identity and Hyperledger Executive Director
Hart Montgomery, CTO, Hyperledger
Dan Middleton, Principal Engineer, Confidential Computing, Intel
Edmund To, CTO, GSBN