Webinar On Demand
What’s Your Zero Downtime Strategy?
Recorded February 15, 2024
View a Complimentary Live Webinar Sponsored by Cockroach Labs
Zero downtime strategies are commonly adopted by organizations after they have run an evaluation to determine:
- the risk of an outage occurring,
- the blast radius of the outage if it were to occur,
- all expected costs of the outage.
For example, if a database outage were to cost a business a million dollars an hour (or minute), how much should an organization invest to prevent it? The stakes are even higher for industries like banking and finance, which face growing resilience regulations with strict expectations of infrastructure hardiness.
The goal of this webinar is to give a framework for how to assess the risk of an outage occurring and the blast radius of an outage if it were to occur. Experienced former owners of massive applications will ask and answer the following questions along the way:
- What is the cost of downtime to your business?
- Where are your single points of failure?
- What are the battle hardened tools that mitigate risk?
Sponsored by:
Sean Chittenden - Sr. Director of Engineering, Cockroach Labs