We’re investigating the impact of open source collaboration to solve the world’s most pressing challenges.

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About LF Research

LF Research publishes actionable and decision-useful insights into open source software, hardware, standards, and data based on empirical research methodologies. Through leveraging community networks, project databases, surveys, and qualitative findings, and through its commitment to best practices in primary research, Linux Foundation Research is the definitive home for data-driven insights into open source for the benefit of governments, enterprises, and society at large.

Census III of Free and Open Source Software

In this report, LF Research partnered with OpenSSF and the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard to study the most common packages used at the application library level.


Census III 2024_Cover Thumbnail

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2024 Open Source Software Funding Report

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How much do organizations invest in open source software? 

Despite having a clear understanding of why organizations contribute to open source software (OSS), the community lacks evidence on how organizations contribute. GitHub and researchers from Harvard University partnered with the Linux Foundation to field a survey asking OSPOs, heads of engineering and product, C-level executives, and other individuals with an understanding of their organization's open source engagement to measure their contributions. 

Analysis of survey results shows that organizations invest $7.7 billion per year to open source, with most of the value coming from labor. However, providing details on funding was challenging for many respondents: for example, only a minority were able to provide the number of labor hours and the percent of budget allocated to open source. The report provides recommended monitoring practices for organizations to implement in order to better capture their contributions. 


  • Sam Boysel, Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard
  • Frank Nagle, Harvard Business School 

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